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About Mike Oyega

My ministry started from Chad Republic where I was restored, called and commissioned. That was between December 1990 and January 1991. I remained with the National Overseer of the Deeper Life Bible to Chad at the Headquarters in N’Djamena.

Precisely before the end of 1991, I began to have revelations about attending American Bible College. This eventually came to pass in 1992 when a group of Spring Ball Missionaries from (then), Wesley International Bible College at Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria; visited the church at Chad and the Lord confirmed it that it is the college He meant for me to attend. 

The College’s name is now West Africa Theological Seminary located at Ayobo/Ipaja, Lagos, Nigeria. There I graduated after four years with Bachelor in Theology between 1992/96. Although, my ministry still remained with the church at Chad until after my graduation when I had return fully to my duty post as a missionary in Chad Republic. 

More About Mike Oyega

A Brief Biography

Journey to the Unknown

My real salvation experience (you could call it restoration from backsliding) was a process that began...learn more

Ministerial Calling

At this level, one thing had become clear to me. God not only wanted to save and restore me to Himself;...learn more

Melody from Above

Since all borders with Chad Republic were closed due to the coup, I was with a young Nigerian man...learn more

Ministerial Experience

My ministry started from Chad Republic where I was restored, called and commissioned...learn more

My Conversion Experience

You could call my conversion experience as a comeback from a backsliding state, but the reason why I don’t...learn more

What I Believe and Preach

I believe that miracle is for today because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and...learn more