Why Prayers are not answered or Answered Delayed!

Have you ever wondered why your prayers may not be answered or, why your requests in prayers are sometimes delayed? If Jesus has promised that those who believe in Him, "nothing shall be impossible unto them", why then is such promise not real to us? He said: Whatever we ask in His Name we shall receive, yet the contrary is the case in our experience most times. Well! Answers to the above questions surely won't be limited to one. Lack of faith could be one of the factors. Praying and doubting will surely not attract blessings from God's Throne because, "... he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven of the sea with wind and tossed. Let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord," (James 1: 6-7). It's only by faith we can please God and receive blessings unhindered, (Heb 11:6). However, guilt and condemnation in our hearts are some things most Christians overlooked as not too important a factor that can be a barrier to their requests in prayers. We are invited to come boldly to the "Throne of Grace". "The Throne of Grace" is The Throne of all possibilities in our prayer request because that's where Our High Priest, Jesus Christ is seated on our behalf representing and interceding for us every moment, (Hebrew 4:4-6). But we are invited to come boldly, without condemnation of heart. Consider another scripture: If our hearts condemn us....; if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what please, (1 Jn 3:20-22). That means, condemnation of heart is another major barrier to our request from God. The question to ask then could be, what then constitute condemnations of heart? What does the Lord commands us as the New Testament Law for us to keep? Are we still required to keep the Laws of Old the Testament? No! But what the Bible called "The Royal Law" (Read James 2:8-13). And following peace with all men.