What I Believe and Preach
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What I Believe and Preach

I believe that miracle is for today because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever shall be. My restoration, calling and commissioned was a miracle. It was a direct calling. Till this moment, lots of men of God find me unpredictable. I can’t even predict myself. But one sentence I received from Him that I am always holding on to is, “I AM holding your hands to do.” 

I believe in the Biblical-Apostolic, Prophetic and Pentecostal doctrines which I summarized this way: Salvation is a must and made possible by faith in the Atoning work of Grace through Jesus Christ. I believe in One Lord, One Savior, One Baptism (water baptism). I believe in partaking in Holy communion (discerning the Lord’s Body and Blood). I believe in Spirit Baptism (with the initial evidence of speaking in unknow languages as the Spirit shall give utterance). I believe in physical and bodily healings of all manners of sicknesses and diseases as the Lord wills and do). I believe in holiness (without which no one shall see the Lord), and in sanctification of the spirit by the Holy Spirit (purity of life). I believe in the Rapture of the Saints bodily; in the Great Tribulations; and in the Second Coming of Christ. That Christ shall come back here on earth with His Church to establish a one-thousand-year reign known as ‘Millennium Reign.’ I also believe in the Judgement of those who refused and those who denied Jesus Christ while they live and shall suffer eternally in the Lake that burn with the brimstone and fire according to the Bible. Finally, I believe that saved believers shall live eternally with Christ together with all the Saints of old in a New Heaven and a New Earth.

More About Mike Oyega

A Brief Biography

Journey to the Unknown

My real salvation experience (you could call it restoration from backsliding) was a process that began...learn more

Ministerial Calling

At this level, one thing had become clear to me. God not only wanted to save and restore me to Himself;...learn more

Melody from Above

Since all borders with Chad Republic were closed due to the coup, I was with a young Nigerian man...learn more

Ministerial Experience

My ministry started from Chad Republic where I was restored, called and commissioned...learn more

My Conversion Experience

You could call my conversion experience as a comeback from a backsliding state, but the reason why I don’t...learn more

What I Believe and Preach

I believe that miracle is for today because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and...learn more